Taking Over Farm to Table
The sustainable food blog, Farm to Table, has recently been declared a failure by its creator. The initial goal, to set up a foundation for a TV show, did not produce results, and so he has decided to cut his losses and pursue another (really interesting) project. Never one to let things lie, I offered to take over and take Farm to Table in a new direction.
So now I am the editor of Farm to Table, responsible for setting its direction and collaborating with the 1,000 or so followers. It's a big task, and I'm a little intimidated, but like most big tasks in life, I know there are ways to get a handle on it. As long as I don't put too much pressure on myself to master things right away, give myself the room to make mistakes and grow into the new role, I am confident that I can step up and become a leader in the sustainable food community.
Zach has done a huge amount of work building up Farm to Table and establishing a large following. I have a responsibility to that community, but I don't want to be so afraid of messing up a great thing that I fail to take the risks necessary to move it in a new direction. I see the blog as a very influential source of information and collaboration in the sustainable food world, and I want to capitalize on that influence and use it to make real change. I see a lot of untapped potential, and I know that there is plenty of passion and drive in the sustainable food community to unlock that potential. I have always been a firm believer that the greatest achievements in life are accomplished by groups of people, and I seem to have developed a knack for inspiring and organizing people, so I will rely on the energy of the community to drive this new project.
If there were ever anything worth fighting for change in, it is the American food system. So here I am, taking up the struggle, holding up a placard, stepping up to the front lines. Something I never really anticipated myself doing. But as I've said before, a Warrior is defined in service to some higher goal. For the time being, that goal seems to have found me, and I know I would be letting myself down if I did not answer that call, something I contemplated briefly before I made the offer to take over.
If anyone wants to contribute, let me know. We are looking for stories, restaurant reviews, farm tours, anything really. Also, if you have a knack for web sites and web design, that could be handy to.