Forget the Resolution! Set a Challenge!

bliss challenge new year resolution

So, here is my call to action: instead of setting yourself a New Year's resolution, find something in your life, your world, or your community that needs a hero. Find that thing that matters to you, that you are scared of, the dragon that needs slaying, in your life or others'.

And be the hero that is needed.

I guarantee you that you will improve yourself in the process. To make those goals happen, you'll find that you need to become the best you can be, in all areas of life. A healthy body supports a passionate soul. A lucid mind empowers a shining spirituality. The skills, the self-improvement, the education, the money, the financial independence--it all arises naturally in service of a higher goal

A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. - Joseph Campbell

These are small steps in the larger scheme of your life, but keep your eye on the ultimate goal - the WHY, to reference Simon Sineck - and it will draw you towards it with more urgency than you could ever provide on your own.

Perhaps you're scared of failure. Good. That's how you know this thing really matters. That's how you know you care.

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. - Joseph Campbell

We have enough people making resolutions. We need people taking on the big challenges in the world and taking up the mantle of greatness.

So, forget the resolution. Aim higher. Aspire to greater. Be something more.

This is the year you find your bliss. This is the year you finally drive through everything in the way and follow it. This is the year that you become the hero of your own myth.

Lead the Way.

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Post your challenge to the comments.

Photo credit: Anna Pusack